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tree stump in Chinese

How to pronounce "tree stump""tree stump" in a sentence"tree stump" meaning

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  • n. 树桩
  • [网络] 树墩;树树桩图片;树根


  • Hts series of heating tree stump
  • In the state of song there was a farmer in whose fields stood a tree stump
  • A standing dead tree or tree stump, especially one killed by fire
  • A northern flicker flashes the dazzling gold of its wings near an old tree stump
  • More often he'd simply pace and finally skulk off to his tree stump, perhaps to worry alone
  • So the farmer abandoned his plough and waited by the tree stump, hoping to get another hare
  • Twin-lock : tie the hair into two firm bundles like two branching tree stumps, also called “ hair locks ”
  • I am so ashamed each time i see the tree stump that i apologize to it with my whole heart, " i am so sorry ! please forgive me !
  • No, they don't dab their favorite perfume behind their ears, but they do enjoy rubbing up against tree stumps sprayed with the scent
  • No, they do n't dab their favorite perfume behind their ears, but they do enjoy rubbing up against tree stumps sprayed with the scent
  • More examples:  1  2

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What is the meaning of tree stump in Chinese and how to say tree stump in Chinese? tree stump Chinese meaning, tree stump的中文tree stump的中文tree stump的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.